Medication/Documentation Exam

Welcome to your Medical Record Documentation and Legal Aspects Exam.

Please fill in your full name, and Email. We will email your results within 48 hours. You must get a 80% or better to pass.  Good Luck.

1. Documentation in the medical records must be:

2. Some of the care that nursing assistants and home health aides must document are:

3. Some of the observations that nursing assistants and home health aides must document are:

4. Observations that nursing assistants and home health aides must document are, all things that you see, hear or feel, especially if it is not normal:

5. Some things that you should do in order to make sure that you treat these records as legal documents are:

6. Some things that you should NOT do in order to make sure that you treat these records as legal documents are:

7. One Example of Writing Right is:

8. An Example of What Not To Write is:

9. Reasons why the clinical record is important are:

10. Some basic rules about documentation are:

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